Evans Scholar House/Miami University
Founded in 1974, the Evans Scholars award full tuition and living accommodations to the country’s finest golf caddies. The new, highly anticipated 24,000 sq ft Miami University Evans Scholarship House replaces a much smaller house built in the 70’s.
Winner of the MCAD Excellence in Masonry award, the new structure was built in less than favorable winter conditions, staying on schedule and under budget. The construction project created living accommodations not only for male caddies, but finally for female caddies as well. This Gostomsky team creation resulted in an entirely new structure of brick and stone, complete with an elevator, as well as a brick and stone veneer.
Oxford, OH
Western Golf Association State Chairman and an Miami University Evans Scholars alumnus, Joe Desch gave his opinion on the enlivenment of the new era of Evans Scholars. “Moving to a technology rich and comfortable house while also giving the students a great new home is very exciting,” Desch said.
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